Sunday, 5 April 2015

Nice Jugs! Sexy Girls Bikini Beach PRANK! - Rich Fergurson

As always I'm trying to review a variety of channels so today I'm reviewing Rich Ferguson's jug prank. A classic play on words prank which used jugs (Slang for breasts) to see how ladies and their partners would react.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Creeping On People In The Park - Twattery #1

Welcome to the 1st review of the Under 100,000 subscribers club. Every Wednesday I'll review a prank from a channel with less than 100,000 subscribers. You can identify these posts by the #(number) in the title. Without further ado today I'm reviewing Twattery's creeping on people.

Sunday, 29 March 2015

OMG That Ass Ma! - EpicFiveTv

Today for the first time I'm reviewing EpicFiveTv and comment videos. As always I'm trying to expand my reviews so here we go.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Hold My Knife Prank - Trollstation

Today I'm reviewing Trollstation's hold my knife video. I see this as a social experiment with the aim to see who would do the right thing.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Not Being Awkward - LAHWF

Today's review is of Lahwf's not being awkward. A video which I thought was impossible from him but I actually quite enjoyed. I'm not used to reviewing these type videos but I'm trying to expand. Here we go....

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

INSANE Toilet Paper PRANK!!

Today I'm reviewing Roman Atwood's latest prank. After the slight disappointment of the ball prank, Roman had to go big. Real big. And for sure he did not disappoint!

Sunday, 15 March 2015


Today I'm reviewing a very powerful social experiment by fouseyTUBE. A video which faced a real life issue. I praise fouseyTUBE for making a positive influence on his massive fan base.

Idea - 3/5

The idea was too convince the the cab drivers that they were about to commit suicide. It was to see how the drivers would react. It's an idea I've seen many times hence the 3, however I still think it carries a strong message and raises awareness on a dark issue.

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

THUG PRANK! - TheRoyalStampede

Today for the first time I'm reviewing a Royal Stampede video. The thug prank is a video I really enjoyed because it played with words to make a positive outcome.

Idea - 4/5

The main idea was to trick people into thinking they were going get beaten/robbed whereas they weren't. They were actually being offered something better. I really, really liked the idea. I found it really funny and edgy at the same time. This was taken from a basic yet effective idea. Good job.

Sunday, 8 March 2015

Baby Powdered Doughnuts Prank - Pranksters in Love

Today I'm doing my first review on Pranksters in Love. Nikki and John are back (after having a baby) This time it was #TeamMummy turn to be the prankster. A real, authentic prank which I thought was good.

Idea - 4/5

The idea was to trick John into thinking he was eating a sugar covered doughnut whereas in fact he was eating one with baby powder. Again it's a simple idea which I very much liked. 4/5 for me because it wasn't crazy or complicated enough to warrant a 5.

Thursday, 5 March 2015

I'm Scared Of Shadows Prank - Melissa Flentzeris TV

Today I'm reviewing Melissa Flentzeris's latest video. The 'Prank girl' is back and this time is scaring people with their own shadows! A refreshing idea from Melissa which I thoroughly enjoyed.

Idea - 4/5

The idea was to pretend she was scared of other people's shadows. I like it when youtubers step away from the big, blockbuster style pranks and go simple. This is a nice, simple yet effective idea earning a 4/5

Sunday, 1 March 2015

SPRAY TAN PRANK - PrankvsPrank

I'm back! (Sorry I took a week off) Anyway Jeana is not resting and has got Jesse again, real good. A very smart, well planned prank. Jeana's prank game has been on TOP form in 2015.

Idea - 3/5

So the idea was to trick Jesse into thinking he was getting a subtle spray tan. However Jeana called beforehand and arranged for the darkest tone! I liked the idea because Jesse was totally clueless. However it's not in the 4/5 because it's not an original prank.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Dinosaur In The Hood Prank 2! - AverageBroTv

Today's review is of AverageBroTv's dinosaur prank, part 2. I like it when pranksters take it back to the basics with a scare prank and this video does this (However on another level)

Idea - 4/5

The idea is to scare people with a huge dinosaur! A simple scare prank idea taken to the next level with a human sized dinosaur. Because of this I gave it a 4 rather than a 3.

Wednesday, 18 February 2015


Today I'm reviewing popular channel PrankvsPrank latest video. It was Jeana's turn to start the official prank war of 2015 and she went in!

Idea - 3/5

The idea was to prank Jesse into thinking he was going to "get some". He sure did get some, a face full of sick (crisps/chips and water) spewed across his face. Although it's not an original idea (reason for 3) I still really liked the whole concept.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Referee in Real Life PRANK! *ARRESTED* - Tom Mabe

Today I'm reviewing a Tom Mabe prank. There were no holding penalties or offsides just silly, creative ideas.

Idea - 4/5

The whole point was to call penalties on silly things. I liked the idea (even though it has been done before). An idea I liked but not enough to hit top marks!

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Are You Stealing My Car Prank - Melissa Flentzeris TV

Today I'm reviewing Melissa Flentzeris's latest prank with PrimeTv. A well executed, funny prank.

Idea - 3/5

The whole idea was to frame the person into thinking that they are helping but they are actually committing a crime. I found the idea funny and actually liked the whole concept. Thumbs up here.

Friday, 6 February 2015

pranking cops! - Lucassanaya

Today I'm reviewing a prank by lucassanaya. In this video he goes around trying to get fist pumps (pounds)

Idea - 3/5

The whole idea was to try and get people to fist pump him. A basic yet refreshing idea which I quite enjoyed. However because it's a basic idea it scores a 3.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

KFC Ultimate Rage Prank (animated) - Ownage Pranks

Today I'm reviewing Ownage Pranks ultimate rage prank. As always ownage pranks never fails to disappoint however this isn't one of my favourites.

Idea - 4/5

I don't even know the whole idea from the beginning because the lady flipped out. So then the idea was to annoy her. The way he adapted from his original plan (I don't know what it was) was clever and succeeded.

Friday, 30 January 2015

Police Brutality Social Experiment - TrollstationYT

Today I'm reviewing another social experiment. This time it's trollstation's police brutality experiment. It's a video which carries a serious message but is not done to full potential.

Idea - 3/5

So the idea was to see how the general public will respond to an officer misusing their power. A basic, average idea but needed to bring across this message.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Window Reflection Prank! - Jack Vale

Today I'm reviewing Jack Vale's latest prank where he stands in front of a window and, well does mirrorish things ( I know I made up a word!) It's a real silly and funny prank.

Idea - 4/5

A smart idea by Mr. Vale. The whole point was to see what the people's reactions would be but also make the viewer laugh. In my opinion it was a strong idea hence 4/5

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Crazy Plastic Ball PRANK!! - Roman Atwood

Today I'm reviewing Roman Atwood's latest prank where he fills his entire house with plastic balls. A real light hearted, smile more prank.

Idea - 3/5

The whole idea of the prank was to surprise Brittany when she came home but also have a bit of fun. The overall idea was average but the scale he was thinking on was special so that pushed the idea to a 3.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Dropping Money Social Experiment - BigDawsTv

Today I'll be reviewing the dropping money social experiment by BigDawsTv.
So this social experiment really shows the world what people are about. The common misconception of people these days being all for themselves is wiped away in this video.

Idea - 3/5

A simple yet effective idea. The whole point was to see if people would return the wallet. It is not the most creative or spectacular idea, leaning more towards the 2/3. Because of this being an average idea I gave it a 3 out of 5

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Rating System

So before I post my first review here is my rating system.

Rating System

Idea - out of 5
Execution - out of 5
Reaction - out of 5
Originality - Bonus point

Total: 16

Idea: This category looks at the point of the prank. Is it to scare, humour, raise awareness etc..... The stronger the idea the higher it will get.

Execution: So you've got the prank idea but how do you execute it. Here I look at how the prankster pulls the prank, camera angles and most important the editing ( including the music)

Reaction: This is my overall reaction to the prank ( not the people in the video) Did I enjoy it, did I get the whole idea. This is basically a summary

Originality: Speaks for itself. Is it fresh, has anyone else done the prank.

So this is my system. I will review a variety of pranksters. If you have any youtubers or specific prank videos, please tell me below.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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