Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Creeping On People In The Park - Twattery #1

Welcome to the 1st review of the Under 100,000 subscribers club. Every Wednesday I'll review a prank from a channel with less than 100,000 subscribers. You can identify these posts by the #(number) in the title. Without further ado today I'm reviewing Twattery's creeping on people.

Idea - 3/5

The idea was simple. Creep on people. This was to be achieved by asking personal questions. Because this was done before and it was simple I scored it a 3.

Execution - 4/5
Favourite part @1:50

I flicked through his videos and I'm already a fan. He kind of reminds me of a British version  of lahwf. In this video I think his execution was excellent. He executed his character of being creepy very well, keeping his words short and sharp and not answering any questions (raises suspicion) I couldn't find a flaw with his part. (This contributed 3 marks) He got one mark for the music used however there won't be full marks because of the camera. It was shaky at parts and it compromised  the sound and quality of  the video. With this being said the camera did capture the video and the final edit was decent. (Credit for leaving in the reveals)

Reaction - 4/5

I found the video quite funny. My favourite reaction was when Ed said 'I just came out the sex offenders institute' I laughed so hard. That was my favourite part of the video. Also I liked the ginger boy reaction. My only criticism was when he was invited to sit down, the video cut. I think there was more potential for that to be a better reaction. However this didn't jeopardise the whole video.

Originality - No mark (Bonus Point)

As stated in the description and title card it was inspired by lahwf so no mark.

Total: 11/16

For a second prank it was a very good attempt. He has started doing more original videos which is a big thumbs up. I feel his channel and content will continue to grow this year. Keep it up. Well done Twattery!
Video: Creeping On People In The Park

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